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Learn the truth of these myths related to DIABETES

People generally attribute more sweet eating habits to diabetes. But this is not completely true. If you believe a similar myth, then today we are telling you about such other myths related to diabetes and their truth (Diabetes Myth and Facts)...

People often come under tension after hearing the name of diabetes, because it is considered to be one of the most serious non-end diseases. Along with this, the increase in sugar in the body i.e. insulin levels has a bad effect on other organs (eyes, kidney, heart). Diabetes is also commonly known as sugar disease in diabetes and diabetes in Hindi. There are some specific causes of diabetes but they cannot be considered to be the main cause of diabetes. In such a situation, let us know the lies or myths related to diabetes and their truth ...

1. If you also believe that sugar is only available to grown people, then you are wrong because in today's age, children along with older people are also suffering from severe diabetes disease. Actually, when there is sugar in childhood, the growth of the body stops and it starts becoming weak....

2. It is generally believed that diabetes can be eradicated gradually by regular intake of medicines. But this is just an illusion. Medicines can only prevent the body's insulin level from rising, it cannot be stopped from making it. It is also necessary for a healthy body to have a limited amount of insulin.

3. If you also believe that sugar patients should not exercise, then you are wrong. Because the more sugar patients keep themselves active, the insulin level of their body remains normal. In such a situation, in addition to walking, you can do light exercise daily.

4. Sugar patients are often prevented from eating sweets or they are advised to eat sugar free sweets to avoid the ill effects of diabetes. But this is not true, in fact, the ability of glucose patients to absorb glucose in the body becomes very slow compared to others. Due to which the level of insulin in the problem body increases. In such a situation, consuming a limited amount of sweets along with balance diet and exercise will be beneficial....

5. Diabetes is usually associated with obesity. While this is not completely true. Because type 1 diabetes occurs after heredity and over 90 percent of the insulin-producing cells in the body's pancreas. While type 2 diabetes is caused by the production of insulin in the pancreas, sometimes the rise in insulin levels does not affect the body. But for this your immune system needs to be strong. Apart from this, wrong catering and body fat deposits are also responsible.....

Do not believe in such misconceptions and if there is a diabetes patient near you, then boost its spirits so that they also do not live fearfully. Rather, he also took a resolution to reverse his diabetes and moved forward.

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