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5 Things we want you to know

1. Popularity won’t feed your soul. I promise. It won’t. The angst you’re feeling. The pain. The sting of loneliness. It can’t be cured with a bunch of likes, or followers, or a bunch of invitations and meaningless texts. It can only be cured with intimacy, and intimacy can only happen in the safe spaces where you are allowed to be fully yourself. 

2. Friendship is work and it doesn’t happen over night. If you want your friendships to stay exactly the way they are, cool, but if you want to change your friendships, you’re going to have to be brave enough to approach things differently. 

3. Being good at friendship isn’t something you’re born with. It’s something you learn. You pick up pieces along the way and you learn and you grow, and you unlearn some things too. It’s never too late to be a good friend. 

4. You’re enough. You have what it takes. You’re okay. You’re not missing anything and there’s nothing wrong with you. Truly. You’re enough. 

5. It starts with you. You don’t have to live your life waiting around for someone to invite you to the party, or for a place at the table to open up. You don’t have to wait for someone to initiate a conversation, or for someone to ask you out to dinner. You can be the one to make it happen. You can host. You can invite. You can build your own table. You don’t have to sit there with your arms folded and wait for friendship to happen to you, you can go out and GIVE that friendship away.



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